Race to Spanish Bridge Recap
When the owners of Southern Mountain Gear took over for Dan and Erin, we were left with giant shoes to fill. From a string of awesome GEAR Sprints to the world-renowned Beer Mile, we had our jobs cut out for us on our first SMG 2.0 race. That race was a short 2 mile down and back sprint to Spanish Bridge just outside Agat, Guam. The racecourse started at the Sella Bay Overlook, proceeding down a well-worn path to the sea with about 450 feet of elevation loss and 2 water crossings along the way. The first water crossing was encountered by the racers around the ¼ mile mark. This is where they crossed the Asmafines River and were greeted by gently sloping red dirt hills and muddy ruts. The second water crossing was a small unnamed tributary within the larger valley occurring around the ¾ mile mark.
The sounds of street noise and paved roads soon gave way to the silence of dense foliage and a beautiful tropical canopy with the gentle sounds of beach waves and a distant call of waterfalls around the halfway point. Soon, this terrain also changes to reveal a large river flowing to the Philippine Sea. Here, at the convergence of the river and lush green valley, is a striking piece of Guamian history and lore—the Spanish Bridge at Sella Bay. She stands against time and beacons each of us to ponder her beauty and surrounding scene. She calls to us from the past and holds many secrets in that ancient mortar.
Racers shuffled over the historical bridge to the turnaround in record speed. An impressive 9 minute spilt was recorded by the race winner, Victor Kardstendiek. Next to the turnaround was our very own founder, Dan Holms. The rest of pack shuffled in and raced back along the well-trodden path they had just run down facing a return trip of approximately 450 feet of elevation gain and the early morning sun.
The following times were recorded for race winners:
First overall, Victor Kardstendiek – 21:52
Second overall, Virginie Ternisien – 23:16
Third overall, Jordan Tropf – 23:17
In the MENS DIV, 3rd place was claimed by Napu Blas with a time of 25:49. The FEMALE DIV was rounded out by Jackie Hansen in 2nd place with a time of 30:37 and Jen Engeberg in 3rd with a time of 34:20. Phil Law was first place in the OLD AF category.
Honorable mentions:
Maggie Lippert, our youngest racer, completed the race with a time of 45:52
Steve Carerra, our oldest runner, completed his race in 51:40
Around $1000 in prizes were awarded to the winners and race participants. Food and drinks were provided for all in attendance. We are pleased to have such a great turn-out and the team at SMG are looking forward to those smiling faces and muddy shoes at our next event. Keep an eye out on our social media pages and website for upcoming race information.
Happy trails,