We're pleased to announce that most of the renovations are complete and we are opening our doors TODAY 9/16/24 at regular business hours for a soft opening. We are awaiting 3 huge shipments of apparel, packs, shoes, and children's gear. We can't wait to share our success with you!
It has been an amazing journey to get this far. We couldn't have done any of this without the dedication from Erin and Dan and our other friends. I called in favors and those were answered with strong effort and I can't thank you enough for your time and help.
Please take a moment to check out the progress so far. But you know what's better than haunting this blog...stopping in today to see the new digs!
We hope you enjoyed this little visual journey through our renovation. Come on down today and see the new space. Who knows maybe you'll find some cool gear that will be on your next adventure. Until we see each other on trail or at the next 5k, stay safe out there SMG Fam!